I had cooked macaroni over, so to not throw away food, I made stewed macaroni. So simple and so good. I thought Provencal spice gave a very good taste to the macaroni.
Stuvade Makaroner
30 g smör
2 msk vetemjöl
3 dl mjölk
en nypa muskotnöt
5 dl makaroni, kokt
Smält smöret i en kastrull och tillätt mjölet. Späd med mjölken och låt såsen koka i 5 minuter under omrörning. Krydda och blanda i makaroner.
Stewed Macaroni
30 g butter
2 tbsp wheat flour
3 dl milk
one pinch nutmeg
provencale spice
5 dl cooked macaroni
Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the flour. Add the milk and let the sauce cook for 5 minutes while stirring. Season to taste and add macaroni.