This is a dish I made from what we had at home. Simple and yummy, that's my melody :)
Tofu Grönsaks Quinoa Bowl
grönsaker (morot, zucchini, bönor, broccoli, lök)
färskost, vitlök & örter
kokt quinoa eller ris
Stek tofubitarna och grönsakerna i kokosolja och tillsätt färskost och stek tills osten smält. Krydda efter smak. Blanda dem med kokt quinoa.
Tofu Veggie Quinoa Bowl
tofu pieces
vegetables (carrot, zucchini, green beans, broccoli, onion)
cream cheese, garlic & herbs
cooked quinoa or rice
Fry the tofu pieces and vegetables in coconut oil and add cream cheese and fry until the cheese is melted. Season to taste. Mix them with cooked quinoa.
Fry the tofu pieces and vegetables in coconut oil and add cream cheese and fry until the cheese is melted. Season to taste. Mix them with cooked quinoa.
Enkelt och gott, det gillas!
ReplyDeleteJa, absolut :)