My mother-in-law sent a package to us and it included a mix of broad bean groats. I've already used them in a soup and now in these patties. These patties were good, but I am not completely satisfied with the consistency. They became quite compact and I will continue to experiment with them in patties. Maybe more liquid would have made them more moist? I do not know, but I will let you know when I have experimented a little more.
2 dl bondbönekross
1 dl buljong / vatten
1 dl vita bönor
Lägg bondbönekrosset i en skål och häll på varm buljong. Låt stå i 15 minuter eller tills buljongen absorberats. Blanda i bönor och kryddor och mixa blandningen med en stavmixer. Smaka av och krydda mera vid behov. Forma till 2-4 biffar och grädda dem i 175 C i ca 15-20 minuter.
Broad Bean Patties
2 cups broad bean groats
1 dl broth / water
1 dl white beans
black pepper
ginger powder
turmeric powder
Put the broad bean groats in a bowl and pour on warm broth. Leave for 15 minutes or until the broth is absorbed. Mix in beans and spices and mix the mixture with a hand held mixer. Taste the mixture and season more if necessary. Shape to 2-4 patties and bake them in 175 C for about 15-20 minutes.

Put the broad bean groats in a bowl and pour on warm broth. Leave for 15 minutes or until the broth is absorbed. Mix in beans and spices and mix the mixture with a hand held mixer. Taste the mixture and season more if necessary. Shape to 2-4 patties and bake them in 175 C for about 15-20 minutes.

De ser då goda ut!