Fylld tortilla

fullkorns tortilla
cheddar ost, riven
sweet & sour chili sås

Bred philadelphiaost och mascarponeost pÃ¥ hela tortillan och nÃ¥gra skvättar chilisÃ¥s.  Lägg pÃ¥ grillade grönsaker och riven ost. Rulla ihop och placera i en ugnsäker form. Strö över riven ost. Grädda i 200 C ca 15 minuter eller tills osten blivit gyllene brun. Servera med färsk tomat och gurka.

Filled Tortilla

whole wheat tortilla
philadelphia cheese
mascarpone cheese
cheddar cheese, grated
sweet & sour chili sauce

Spread cream cheese and mascarpone on the tortilla and a few splashes of chili sauce. Add the grilled vegetables and shredded cheese. Roll up and place in an ovenproof form. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake at 200 C about 15 minutes or until cheese has become golden brown. Serve with fresh tomato and cucumber.