Do you like nuts in baked goods? I do now, but when I was younger it wasn't a favorite. I've noticed that I've started to like things I didn't like as much as a child. Has this happened to you? These muffins have chopped nuts in them, I chopped mine quite finely, but coarser pieces are also good. Have a nice day!
6 st
1 ägg
1 dl ljust farinsocker
30 g smör, smält
0,5 tsk vaniljextrakt
1,5 dl vetemjöl
0,5 dl kakaopulver
3/4 tsk bakpulver
en nypa salt
0,5 dl grädde
0,5 dl hasselnötter, hackade
Vispa ägg och socker fluffigt. Tillsätt smör och vanilj. Blanda sedan i mjöl, kakao, bakpulver, salt och grädde. Till sist blanda i nötterna. Fördela smeten i muffinsformar. Grädda i 175 C i ca 12-15 minuter.
Hazelnut Chocolate Muffins
6 pcs
1 egg
1 dl light brown sugar
30 g butter, melted
0.5 tsp vanilla extract
1.5 dl wheat flour
0.5 dl cocoa powder
3/4 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
0.5 dl heavy cream
0,5 dl hazelnuts, chopped
Whisk egg and sugar until fluffy. Add butter and vanilla. Then mix in flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt and heavy cream. Finally mix in the nuts. Bake at 175 C for about 12-15 minutes.