Do you like fruit in food? I think banana is nice in sauces and especially in curry sauce I usually use pieces of banana. Please tell me how you use fruit in cooking? Have a good day!
Curry Banansås
30 g smör
2 msk vetemjöl
3 dl mjölk
150 g vegetariska kycklingbitar
0,5-1 banan, skivad
curry, efter smak
salt, efter smak
Smält smöret i en kastrull. Vispa i mjölet. Blanda i mjölken och låt såsen tjockna till. Blanda i kycklingbitar, banan och krydda med curry och salt. Servera med kokt ris.
Curry Banana Sauce
30 g butter
2 tbsp wheat flour
3 dl milk
150 g vegetarian chicken pieces
0.5-1 banana, sliced
curry, to taste
salt, to taste
Melt the butter in a saucepan. Whisk in the flour. Mix in the milk and allow the sauce to thicken. Mix in chicken pieces, banana and season with curry and salt. Serve with boiled rice.