Chocolate pudding is something I remember well from childhood. Mom made it for us every now and then and we ate it with ice cream. The pudding is good both warm and cold. I like coffee and I like chocolate so I chose to make a pudding on them. Very good and if you like coffee, you will like this one. Have a nice day!
4 dl mjölk
4 dl kaffe
4 msk potatismjöl
0,5 dl kakaopulver
3/4 dl socker
Blanda mjölk, kaffe, potatismjöl, kakao och socker i en kastrull. Värm, under ständig omrörning. Låt sjuda i 2-3 min. Låt svalna och servera med t.ex. vaniljglass.
Chocolate Coffee Pudding
4 dl milk
4 dl coffee
4 tbsp potato flour
0,5 dl cocoa powder
3/4 dl sugar
Mix milk, coffee, potato flour, cocoa and sugar in a saucepan. Heat, stirring constantly. Let simmer for 2-3 minutes. Let the pudding cool and serve with e.g. vanilla ice cream.