How easy is it not to make your own apple sauce? All you need are apples and some water :) If you want, you can season the sauce with cinnamon. It keeps a few days in the fridge, but I always freeze some. Easy to take from the freezer when you need the sauce. Apple sauce is good to have on oatmeal, with yoghurt and also good to bake with. Have a nice day!
Äppelmos utan Socker
valbart kanelstång
Skala, kärna ut och hacka äpplena. Koka upp vatten och lägg i äppelbitarna och kanelstång om du använder. Koka tills bitarna är mjuka, ca 10-15 minuter. Ta ur kanelstången och mosa äppelbitarna med en stavmixer. Låt svalna. Häll sylten i burkar och förvara i kylen i några dagar eller frys in.
Apple Sauce without Sugar
optional cinnamon stick
Peel, core and chop the apples. Bring water to a boil and add the apple pieces and cinnamon stick if using. Cook until the pieces are soft, about 10-15 minutes. Remove the cinnamon stick and mash the apple pieces with a hand mixer. Let cool. Pour the sauce into jars and store in the fridge for a few days or freeze.