Do you like corn? Is it something you eat a lot of in the summer? I actually rarely buy corn cobs, but now I got corn in my box from Farmed Today so I decided to roast them in the oven and then brush with browned butter flavored with lemon.
Ugnsrostad Majs med Citronsmör
2-3 majskolvar
4 msk smör
0,5-1 citron, rivet skal och saft
Sätt ugnen på 175° C. Lägg majskolvarna, med de yttre bladen kvar, i en ugnssäker form och baka mjuka i ugnen, ca 40 minuter. Bryn smöret i en kastrull. Smaksätt med citronskal, -saft och salt. Ta bort de yttre bladen och pensla majsen med smöret. Servera genast.
Oven-Roasted Corn with Lemon Butter
2-3 corn cobs
4 tbsp butter
0.5-1 lemon, grated peel and juice
Heat the oven to 175 ° C. Put the corn cobs, with the outer leaves left, in an ovenproof dish and bake soft in the oven, about 40 minutes. Brown the butter in a saucepan. Season with lemon peel, juice and salt. Remove the outer leaves and brush the corn with the butter. Serve immediately.
Åååh, det kan ju inte vara dåligt! Vi brukar ofta grilla majs när vi grillar.
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