Salty sticks are a good snack, but did you know that you can also bake with them? I used them in cookies, but they also go well in brownies or sticky cake. I like salt and sweet together. Do you like that combo?
Choklad Pretzel Cookies
60 g smör, mjukt
3/4 dl kokossocker
3/4 dl strösocker
1 msk sirap
1 litet ägg eller 0,5 ägg
2 dl vetemjöl
1/8 tsk bikarbonat
1 nypa salt
1 dl mörka / mjölk chokladknappar
0,5 dl salta pinnar, brutna
Värm ugnen till 175 C grader. Blanda smör och socker. Tillsätt sirap och ägg och blanda så smeten går ihop. Blanda i vetemjöl, bikarbonat och salt. Tillsätt försiktigt chokladknapparna och salta pinnar i smeten. Forma degen till 10 jämnstora bollar och lägg på en plåt med bakplåtspapper. Platta dem lätt. Grädda i ugnen i 10 minuter. Låt svalna på bakplåten.
Chocolate Pretzel Cookies
60 g butter, soft
3/4 dl coconut sugar
3/4 dl castor sugar
1 tbsp syrup
1 small egg or 0.5 egg
2 dl wheat flour
1/8 tsp bicarbonate
1 pinch of salt
1 dl dark / milk chocolate buttons
0.5 dl salty sticks, broken
Preheat the oven to 175 C degrees. Mix butter and sugar. Add the syrup and egg and mix so the batter goes together. Mix in wheat flour, bicarbonate and salt. Carefully add the chocolate buttons and salty sticks to the batter. Shape the dough into 10 evenly sized balls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Flatten them slightly. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Allow to cool on the baking sheet.
Preheat the oven to 175 C degrees. Mix butter and sugar. Add the syrup and egg and mix so the batter goes together. Mix in wheat flour, bicarbonate and salt. Carefully add the chocolate buttons and salty sticks to the batter. Shape the dough into 10 evenly sized balls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Flatten them slightly. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Allow to cool on the baking sheet.