This is a very simple recipe with a few ingredients. So tasty and moist and freshly baked for breakfast with butter, cheese, jam... they are so good. Hope you want to try them.
Havre Tunnbröd
2,5 dl kvarg / växtbaserad yoghurt
2,5 dl havremjöl
1,5 tsk bakpulver
0,5 tsk salt
Blanda kvarg, mjöl, bakpulver och salt till en deg. Dela degen i fyra bitar och rulla dem till bollar. Platta till dem en aning och toppa med havregryn. Grädda i 200 C i ca 20 minuter.
Oat Flatbread
2.5 dl quark / plant based yogurt
2.5 dl oat flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
0.5 tsp salt
Mix the quark, flour, baking powder and salt into a dough. Divide the dough into four pieces and roll them into balls. Flatten them a little and top them with oats. Bake at 200 C for about 20 minutes.
Mix the quark, flour, baking powder and salt into a dough. Divide the dough into four pieces and roll them into balls. Flatten them a little and top them with oats. Bake at 200 C for about 20 minutes.
Thanks for a great recipe! I just made these today. Easy to make and so delicious. The whole family loved them. Will definitely make them again. :)