One day I was craving cabbage so I had to buy a white cabbage to make this simple dish. I like all kinds of cabbage, but one of my favorite cabbage dishes is this one. And a must is to have lingonberry jam with it.
Kållåda med Sojafärs
1 kg vitkål
1 lök, hackad
3 dl sojafärs
3 msk sirap
1-2 dl kokt ris
Skär kålen i mindre bitar. Värm lite vatten i en stor kastrull. Tillsätt kål, salt och lök. Rör om då och då. Låt småkoka i 30 minuter. Blanda i sojafärs, sirap och svartpeppar. Blanda sedan i riset. Smaka av och tillsätt kryddor efter smak. Servera med lingonsylt.
Cabbage Casserole with Soy Mince Meat
1 kg white cabbage
1.5 tsp salt
1 onion, chopped
3 dl soy mince meat
3 tbsp syrup
black pepper
1-2 dl cooked rice
Cut the cabbage into smaller pieces. Heat the water in a large saucepan. Add cabbage, salt and onion. Stir every now and then. Cook for 30 minutes. Mix in soy mince meat, syrup and black pepper. Then add the rice. Taste the mixture and add spices if needed. Serve with lingonberry jam.

Cut the cabbage into smaller pieces. Heat the water in a large saucepan. Add cabbage, salt and onion. Stir every now and then. Cook for 30 minutes. Mix in soy mince meat, syrup and black pepper. Then add the rice. Taste the mixture and add spices if needed. Serve with lingonberry jam.

Mums!! Kållåda är nog så gott:)