Filled vegetables are good and you can use bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant... In this recipe I have used bell peppers and filled them with a mixture with minced soy meat. They turned out very good!
"Maletkött" & Färskostfylld Paprika
1 röd lök, hackad
1 vitlöksklyfta, hackad
150 g sojafärs
2-3 msk färskost, med smak av peppar
3-4 st paprikor
riven ost
Stek lök och vitlök i en stekpanna med olja. Tillsätt sojafärsen och stek i några minuter. Blanda i färskost och salt. Skär paprikorna på längden och ta bort kärnhuset. Fyll paprikahalvorna med färsfyllningen och toppa med riven ost. Lägg dem i en ugnsform med vatten i botten. Grädda i 200 C ugn i ca 30 minuter.
"Minced Meat" & Cream Cheese Stuffed Bell Peppers
1 red onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
150 g minced soy meat
2-3 tbsp cream cheese, with taste of pepper
3-4 bell peppers
grated cheese
Fry onion and garlic in a frying pan with oil. Add the soy mince and fry for a few minutes. Mix in cream cheese and salt. Cut the peppers lengthwise and remove the core. Fill the paprika halves with the filling and top with grated cheese. Put them in an oven dish with water in the bottom. Bake in a 200 C oven for about 30 minutes.
Fry onion and garlic in a frying pan with oil. Add the soy mince and fry for a few minutes. Mix in cream cheese and salt. Cut the peppers lengthwise and remove the core. Fill the paprika halves with the filling and top with grated cheese. Put them in an oven dish with water in the bottom. Bake in a 200 C oven for about 30 minutes.
Så gott med fylld paprika. Det var länge sen.
ReplyDeleteJa, det är mycket gott. Det var en tid sedan sist hos oss också :)