Mango chutney was at special price in the shop so I bought a jar. I actually think I've never tried mango chutney before. You could easily do one yourself too. The first thing I made was these potatoes baked in the oven. Use more or less of the chutney depending on how much flavor you want. You can also serve more chutney on the side with the potatoes. Good! How do you use mango chutney, please let me know.
Mango Chutney Ugnsrostad Potatis
500 g färskpotatis, delade
2 msk mango chutney
Värm ugnen till 200 C. Lägg potatisarna i en skål och blanda i mango chutney. Lägg dem på en plåt. Baka i ugnen i ca 25 minuter.
Mango Chutney Roasted Potatoes
500 g fresh potatoes, quartered
Åh så spännande!