This is how I like eggplant best, in a gratin with tomato and cheese. It is creamy and fresh at the same time. You may well make a little more so you can take some with you to work the following day. The gratin will even be more delicious the following day.
Auberginegratäng med Parmesan och Färskost
3 portioner
2 aubergine, skivade
400 g tomatsås
färskost, vitlök & örter
Skiva aubergine och pensla med olja och krydda med salt och svartpeppar. Rosta skivorna i 175 C ugn för 20-30 minuter. Lägg ett tunt lager av tomatsås i en ugnsform och lägg på aubergineskivor, riven parmesan och klickar av färskost. Gör ytterligare två lager av allt. Grädda in i ugnen på 175 C grader i ca 30 minuter. Servera med en god sallad.
Aubergine Gratin with Parmesan and Cream Cheese
3 servings
2 aubergine, sliced
400 g tomato sauce
fresh cheese, garlic & herbs
Slice the aubergines and brush with oil and season with salt and black pepper. Roast the slices in a 175 ° C oven for 20-30 minutes. Add a thin layer of tomato sauce in a oven-proof form and put on aubergine slices, grated parmesan and dollops of cream cheese. Make two more layers like this. Bake in the oven at 175 ° C for about 30 minutes. Serve with a good salad.
Slice the aubergines and brush with oil and season with salt and black pepper. Roast the slices in a 175 ° C oven for 20-30 minutes. Add a thin layer of tomato sauce in a oven-proof form and put on aubergine slices, grated parmesan and dollops of cream cheese. Make two more layers like this. Bake in the oven at 175 ° C for about 30 minutes. Serve with a good salad.
Åh så gott! Älskar gratänger, har provat med zucchini men inte med aubergine!
ReplyDeleteÖnskar dig en fin sommardag!
Kram Jenny
Det blir väldigt gott med aubergine. Tack detsamma snälla du, kram!