I don't say no to chocolate and chocolate cake is very good. Do not over bake the cake because we do not want a dry cake. I mixed in coffee powder in the batter, but you won't taste it, but it gives a deeper taste of chocolate, I think.
Chokladig Chokladkaka
100 g smör, smält
2 dl kokossocker
2 ägg
1,25 dl kakaopulver
1 dl vetemjöl
1.5 tsk kaffepulver
en nypa salt
1 msk mocka chokladpasta, (Lidl)
smält mocka chokladpasta / mörk choklad
Blanda smör och socker. Blanda i resterande ingredienser, förutom chokladpastan. Häll smeten i en bakplåtspappersklädd form 20 cm x 20 cm. Gör gropar i smeten och lägg i klickar av mocka chokladpasta. Grädda kakan i ca 15-20 minuter. Låt kakan svalna och dekorera med smält chokladpasta / choklad och chokladbitar.
Chocolate Cake
100 g butter, melted
2 dl coconut sugar
2 eggs
1.25 dl cocoa powder
1 dl of wheat flour
1.5 tsp coffee powder
a pinch alt
1 tbsp mocha chocolate spread (Lidl)
melted mocha chocolate spread / dark chocolate
Mix butter and sugar. Mix in the remaining ingredients, except for the chocolate spread. Pour the batter into a oven pan 20 cm x 20 cm lined with baking paper. Make small caves in the batter and put chocolate spread in them. Bake the cake for about 15-20 minutes. Let the cake cool and decorate with melted mocha chocolate spread / chocolate and chocolate pieces.