I like liquorice and salmiak very much and they are perfect for baking. Fazer has a chocolate called Salmiakki and it contains a creamy filling of salty salmiak. To use that chocolate in these cookies was successful. You get chewy cookies with a delicious filling!
55 g smör, rumsvarmt
0,5 dl kokossocker
1 msk kokosblomsirap
1 1/4 dl vetemjöl
0,5 tsk bakpulver
6 bitar salmiak choklad, Fazer
Värm ugnen till 200 C grader. Rör ihop smör och socker. Blanda i sirap och de torra ingredienserna. Arbeta ihop till en smidig deg. Rulla degen till en längd och platta till den något. Lägg chokladbitarna på degen och nyp ihop degen över chokladen. Grädda i ugnen i cirka 12 minuter, tills den fått fin färg. Skär i snitt medan den är ljum och låt svalna helt.
Salmiak Cookies
55 g butter, room temperature
0.5 dl coconut sugar
1 tbsp coconut blossom syrup
1 1/4 dl wheat flour
0.5 tsp baking powder
6 pcs salmiak chocolate, Fazer
Heat the oven to 200 degrees C. Stir together butter and sugar. Mix in syrup and the dry ingredients. Roll the dough out to a length and flatten it slightly. Place the chocolate pieces on the dough and seal the dough over the chocolate. Bake in the oven for about 12 minutes until it has a nice color. Cut the length while it is lukewarm and allow to cool completely.