Yummylicious! These were incredibly good. I like the taste of rum and in these, the rum essence was perfect to use. These are good eaten fridge cold with a good cappuccino.
Vanilj & Romrutor
200 g mjukt smör
4,5 dl vetemjöl
1,5 dl strösocker
1 tsk vaniljessens
2 tsk bakpulver
2,5 dl creme fraiche
2 ägg
1,5 dl strösocker
1 tsk vaniljessens
romessens, efter smak
Värm ugnen till 200 C grader. Blanda alla ingredienser till mördegen i en skål. Tryck hälften av mördegen och i en bakform (20 cm x 20 cm). Blanda alla ingredienserna till fyllningen och häll det över mördegen. Smula sedan på resten av mördegen. Grädda i ugnen i ca. 30 minuter. Fyllningen kommer fortfarande vara lite ”dallrig” när den tas ut ur ugnen men låt den svalna så stelnar det lagom. Pudra över lite florsocker.
Vanilla & Rum Squares
Crumble dough:
200 g soft butter
4.5 dl wheat flour
1.5 dl sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tsp baking powder
2.5 dl cream fraiche
2 eggs
1.5 dl sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
rum essence, to taste
Heat the oven to 200 degrees C. Mix all the ingredients for the crumble dough in a bowl. Press half of the dough into a baking dish (20 cm x 20 cm). Mix all the ingredients for the filling and pour it over the crumble dough. Then crumble the rest of the dough over the filling. Bake in the oven for approx. 30 minutes. The filling will still be a bit loose when taken out of the oven, but let it cool and it will solidify.
Heat the oven to 200 degrees C. Mix all the ingredients for the crumble dough in a bowl. Press half of the dough into a baking dish (20 cm x 20 cm). Mix all the ingredients for the filling and pour it over the crumble dough. Then crumble the rest of the dough over the filling. Bake in the oven for approx. 30 minutes. The filling will still be a bit loose when taken out of the oven, but let it cool and it will solidify.
Men JA, så gott!
ReplyDeleteTack :)
DeleteMums så gott:)
ReplyDeleteTack så mycket!