Have you ever eaten marianne candy? They are chocolate-filled peppermint candies and have been around since 1949. They are good to eat as such, but are also good to bake with. I have used the candy in these cookies.
Marianne Chokladkex
8 st
50 g smör, mjukt
1 dl kokossocker
50 g mintchoklad, smält
1 litet ägg
1 1/4 dl mjöl
1 msk kakao
0,5 tsk bakpulver
en nypa salt
0,5 dl Fazer marianne godis, hackad
Rör ihop smör och socker. Blanda sedan i den smälta chokladen och ägget. Rör ner resterande ingredienser. Forma degen till 8 bollar lägg dem på en plåt klädd med bakplåtspapper. Platta till dem en aning. Grädda kexen i 175 C i ca 12 minuter. Låt svalna.
Marianne Chocolate Cookies
8 pcs
50 g butter, soft
1 dl coconut sugar
50 g mint chocolate, melted
1 small egg
1 1/4 dl flour
1 tbsp of cocoa
0.5 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
0,5 dl Fazer marianne candy, chopped
Stir together butter and sugar. Then mix in the melted chocolate and egg. Stir in the remaining ingredients. Shape the dough into 8 balls and place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Flatten them slightly. Bake the cookies at 175 ° C for about 12 minutes. Let cool.
Stir together butter and sugar. Then mix in the melted chocolate and egg. Stir in the remaining ingredients. Shape the dough into 8 balls and place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Flatten them slightly. Bake the cookies at 175 ° C for about 12 minutes. Let cool.