A very moist and delicious cake with taste of almond paste. I also added a dollop of raspberry jam to the cake and it reminds a lot of Runeberg's Cake to the taste. Really delicious!
Kaffekaka med Mandelmassa & Kardemumma
100 g smör, mjukt
150 g mandelmassa, riven
1,5 dl strösocker
2 ägg
1,5 dl vetemjöl
1 tsk bakpulver
2 tsk kardemumma
Blanda smör, mandelmassa och socker mjukt. Tillsätt ägget och blanda väl.
Blanda sedan i vetemjöl, bakpulver och kardemumma.
Häll smeten i fyra silikonformar eller en stor form. Grädda kakorna i 175 grader i cirka 30 minuter.
Coffee Cake with Almond Paste & Cardamom
100 g butter, soft
150 g almond paste, grated
1.5 dl sugar
2 eggs
1.5 dl flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cardamom
raspberry jam
Mix butter, almond and sugar. Add the egg and mix well. Then mix in flour, baking powder and cardamom. Pour the batter into four silicone molds or one large baking pan. Bake the cakes at 175 degrees C for about 30 minutes.