A cookie-like cake with a lot of chocolate flavors. I used dark chocolate, but it's good with any chocolate. Very good with a cup of coffee or tea.
Choklad Smörkaka
100 g smör, mjukt
65 g socker
85 g vetemjöl
15 g kakao
30 g mörk choklad
en nypa salt
Värm ugnen till 200 grader. Blanda smör och socker krämigt. Blanda sedan i mjöl, kakao och en nypa salt. Skär chokladen i små bitar och blanda in i smeten. Häll smeten i en bakform klädd med bakplåtspapper. Grädda kakan i ca 15-20 minuter. Låt svalna.
Chocolate Butter Cake
100 g butter, soft
65 g sugar
85 g wheat flour
15 g cocoa
30 g dark chocolate
a pinch of salt
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Mix the butter and sugar creamy. Then mix in flour, cocoa and a pinch of salt. Cut the chocolate into small pieces and mix into the batter. Pour the batter into a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake the cake for about 15-20 minutes. Let cool.
Så yummy din kaka ser ut:)