If you do not have the time to make regular gingerbread, I recommend making these sliced gingerbread cookies. Crispy and very yummy cookies. I chose this time to add lingonberry powder to the dough, but you do not taste it that much. Possibly you could use more than 1 tablespoon as I did.
Skurna pepparkakor med Lingon
ca 70 st
200 g smör
2 dl strösocker
1 dl dadelsirap
3 tsk kanel
2 tsk mald ingefära
2 tsk mald nejlika
1 tsk bikarbonat
6 dl vetemjöl
1,5 dl hackad sötmandel
1 msk lingonpulver
Rör ihop smör, socker, sirap och kryddor. Tillsätt bikarbonat, blandat med mjöl, mandel och lingonpulver. Dela degen i två bitar och forma två fyrkantiga längder. Linda in dem i plastfolie och låt vila i kylen en timme. Skär deglängderna i tunna skivor och grädda i 200 °C i 12 minuter.
Sliced Gingerbread Cookies with Lingonberry
about 70 pieces
200 g butter
2 dl sugar
1 dl date syrup
3 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp baking soda
6 dl wheat flour
1,5 dl almond flakes
1 tbsp lingonberry powder
Stir together butter, sugar, syrup and spices. Add flour, baking soda, almond and lingonberry powder. Divide the dough into two pieces and shape two round lengths. Wrap them in plastic foil and allow to rest for one hour in the fridge. Cut the lengths into thin slices and bake at 200 ° C for 12 minutes.
Smidigt när man kan skära degen så det går fort!