Recently I made granola with real chocolate and it was so good. This time I used coffee. The granola gets a hint of coffee flavor, but it doesn't take over. The coffee flavor disappears easily, so it pays to use strong coffee. Good to eat for breakfast with fruit and e.g. oat milk.
Kaffe Granola
2,5 msk starkt kaffe
1,5 msk kokosolja, smält
1 msk kokosblomsirap
1 tsk kaffepulver
en nypa salt
3 dl havregryn
1 dl olika frön
1 dl olika nötter, hackade
Blanda kaffe, kokosolja, kokosblomsirap, kaffepulver och salt i en skål. Blanda sedan i resterande ingredienser. Lägg blandningen på en bakplåt klädd med bakplåtspapper. Grädda i 175 C i ca 20 minuter.
Coffee Granola
2.5 tbsp strong coffee
1.5 tbsp coconut oil, melted
1 tbsp of coconut blossom syrup
1 tsp ground coffee
a pinch of salt
3 dl rolled oats
1 dl mixed seeds