This breakfast was like eating a dessert. Luxurious and creamy with a lot of chocolate flavor. Dessert for breakfast? Who does not want to eat that :) And it's actually healthy too.
Choklad Jordnötssmör Overnight Oats
1 dl gammaldags havregryn
1,5 dl havremjölk
0,5 dl kvarg / yoghurt
1,5 msk slät jordnötssmör
1 msk kokosblomsirap
2 msk kakaopulver
2 tsk chiafrön
en nypa salt
Blanda ihop alla ingredienser i en burk med lock. Låt stå i kylskåp över natten. Rör runt innan servering och tillsätt havremjölk vid behov.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats
1 dl old-fashioned oats
1 dl oat milk
0.5 dl quark / yogurt
1.5 tbsp smooth peanut butter
1 tbsp coconut blossom syrup
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tsp chia seeds
Den hade ju smakat gott nu!
ReplyDeleteTack Erika :)