I am very fond of puree soups and eat them often. They are easy to make and you can use all the different vegetables you want. Now I had feta cheese that needed to be used so I added it to the soup. Feta cheese gives a good saltiness to the soup. Eat the soup with some slices of good rye bread or crispbread and you have a good lunch or dinner.
Soppa med Fetaost
2 sötpotatisar
1 broccolihuvud
1 röd lök
0.5 buljongtärning
150 g fetaost
Skala och skär sötpotatisen i mindre bitar. Skär broccolin i mindre bitar. Lägg grönsakerna och löken i en kastrull med vatten och buljongtärning och låt koka tills grönsakerna är mjuka. Häll bort en del av kokvattnet och tillsätt fetaost och mixa soppan slät med en mixerstav. Smaksätt med salt och peppar.
Soup with Feta Cheese
2 sweet potatoes
1 broccoli head
1 red onion
0.5 broth cube
150 g feta cheese
black pepper
Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into smaller pieces. Cut broccoli into smaller pieces. Put the vegetables and the onion in a pot with water and broth cube and cook until the vegetables are soft. Drain some of the boiling water and add the feta cheese and mix the soup smoothly with a hand held blender. Season with salt and pepper.
Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into smaller pieces. Cut broccoli into smaller pieces. Put the vegetables and the onion in a pot with water and broth cube and cook until the vegetables are soft. Drain some of the boiling water and add the feta cheese and mix the soup smoothly with a hand held blender. Season with salt and pepper.
Soppor äter jag bara när det är riktigt kallt (här inne hos mig;D) . Din soppa ser god ut, och feta ger nog god smak åt soppor:)
ReplyDeleteTack Jael!