Yesterday I wrote about a blueberry pie from my childhood and today about summer soup which was also a favorite when I was a kid. The best thing about summer soup is when you can use fresh vegetables. I have not found fresh peas in Amsterdam, so I used frozen. A simple soup, but oh so good!
5 potatisar
3 morötter
0,5 blomkålshuvud
0,5 broccolihuvud
3 dl ärtor och gröna bönor
8 dl vatten
2 dl mjölk
en nypa socker
Skala och skär potatisen i bitar och skiva morötterna. Dela blomkålen och broccolin i buketter Koka upp vattnet och tillsätt potatis, morot, blomkål och broccoli och låt koka i ca 5 minuter. Lägg i resten av grönsakerna och låt koka tills de är mjuka.
Blanda i mjölk, socker och salt. Låt soppan koka upp och blanda sedan i persilja.
Summer Soup
5 potatoes
3 carrots
0.5 cauliflower head
0.5 broccoli head
3 dl peas and green beans
8 dl water
2 dl milk
a pinch of sugar
Peel the potatoes into pieces and slice the carrots. Divide cauliflower and broccoli into bouquets Boil the water and add potato, carrot, cauliflower and broccoli and boil for about 5 minutes. Add the rest of the vegetables and boil until they are soft. Stir in milk, sugar and salt. Bring to a boil and mix in parsley.

Peel the potatoes into pieces and slice the carrots. Divide cauliflower and broccoli into bouquets Boil the water and add potato, carrot, cauliflower and broccoli and boil for about 5 minutes. Add the rest of the vegetables and boil until they are soft. Stir in milk, sugar and salt. Bring to a boil and mix in parsley.