Do you like chocolate cookies? Then I have the recipe for you. The recipe provides large cookies with pieces of dark and white chocolate and also the batter contains melted chocolate. You can never have too much of chocolate :) They are crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.
Choklad Cookies
6 st stora
50 g smör, mjukt
1 dl socker
50 g mörk choklad, smält
1 litet ägg
1 1/4 dl mjöl
1 msk kakao
0,5 tsk bakpulver
en nypa salt
1 dl chokladbitar (jag hade både vit och mörk choklad)
Rör ihop smör och socker. Blanda sedan i den smälta chokladen och ägget. Rör ner resterande ingredienser. Med en glasskopa gör 6 st kex och lägg dem på en plåt klädd med bakplåtspapper. Platta till dem en aning. Grädda kexen i 175 C i ca 15-18 minuter. Låt svalna.
Chocolate Cookies
6 large
50 g butter, soft
1 dl sugar
50 g dark chocolate, melted
1 small egg
1 1/4 dl flour
1 tbsp of cocoa
0.5 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
1 dl chocolate pieces ( I used both white and dark chocolate)
Stir together butter and sugar. Then mix in the melted chocolate and egg. Stir in the remaining ingredients. With an ice cram scoop, make 6 cookies and place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Flatten them slightly. Bake the cookies at 175 ° C for about 15-18 minutes. Let cool.
Stir together butter and sugar. Then mix in the melted chocolate and egg. Stir in the remaining ingredients. With an ice cram scoop, make 6 cookies and place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Flatten them slightly. Bake the cookies at 175 ° C for about 15-18 minutes. Let cool.