I like bread that has a bite to it and these bread has exactly that. They contain pumpkin seeds, oats and grated cheese. They are quickly made and so yummy eaten freshly made with butter.
Tebröd med Ost
1 dl rågmjöl
1 dl vetemjöl
0,5 dl havregryn
0,5 dl riven ost
2 msk pumpafrön
1 tsk bakpulver
1/4 tsk salt
1 dl vatten
1 msk olja
Blanda alla torra ingredienser i en bunke. Tillsätt vatten och olja och blanda. Forma till fyra bröd och toppa ev. med riven ost. Grädda i 225 C i 10-12 minuter.
Tea Bread with Cheese
4 pcs
1 dl rye flour
1 dl flour
0.5 dl oats
0.5 dl grated cheese
2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 dl water