With warmer weather you start craving ice cream, right?. I like this simple version of home-made ice cream made of whipped cream and sweetened condensed milk. No ice cream machine is needed. Some time ago, a grocery store had on offer for salted caramel chocolate butter and everything with salted caramel is just so good, so I had to buy a jar. It's crazy good and fits perfectly in ice cream. Now I have to go and buy a new jar :)

Salt Kolaglass
5 dl vispgrädde
1 burk sötad kondenserad mjölk
Vispa grädden tills mjuka toppar bildas. Rör ner den kondenserade mjölken och blanda ordentligt. Blanda i klickar av saltkola. Häll glassmeten i en brödform och ställ i frysen för ca 6 timmar. Ta fram glassen en stund innan servering.
Salted Caramel Ice Cream
5 dl whipping cream
1 can sweetened condensed milk
salted caramel chocolate spread
Whip the cream until soft peaks form. Stir in the condensed milk and mix thoroughly. Pour the ice cream into a loaf pan and stir in blobs of salted caramel spread and mix a little. Place in the freezer for about 6 hours. Remove from the freezer a while before serving.

Whip the cream until soft peaks form. Stir in the condensed milk and mix thoroughly. Pour the ice cream into a loaf pan and stir in blobs of salted caramel spread and mix a little. Place in the freezer for about 6 hours. Remove from the freezer a while before serving.