Here is, once again, a combination that I like in baked goodies, raspberry and almond. I will return periodically to them and bake something delicious. I chose to bake three small cakes instead of one large, but you do what you want. This cake has pieces of almonds in it which gives a nice bite. A cake that is delicious served with vanilla ice cream.
Hallon Mandelkaka
1 dl kokosolja
1 ägg
1,5 dl vetemjöl
0,5 dl mandelmjöl
1,5 dl kokossocker
0,5 tsk kardemumma
1/4 tsk bakpulver
1/4 tsk salt
0,5 dl hallon, frysta
0,5 dl mandel, hackad
Blanda kokosolja och ägg i en bunke. Tillsätt mjöl, kokossocker, kardemumma, bakpulver och salt, blanda. Rör ner försiktigt hallon och mandel. Häll smeten i tre silikonformar eller i en större form. Grädda i 175 C i 20 minuter.
Raspberry Almond Cake
1 dl coconut oil
1 egg
1,5 dl flour
0.5 dl almond flour
1.5 dl coconut sugar
0.5 tsp cardamom powder
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
0.5 dl raspberries, frozen