I like soup and make one almost every week. This time I made a spicy soup with turmeric, cumin and ginger. I like to add coconut milk to soups as it gives a creamy and good taste.
1 msk kokosolja
1 liten röd lök, hackad
3 frysta spenatkuber
1 tsk spiskummin
1 tsk ingefära
0,5 tsk chili
1/4 tsk gurkmeja
2 dl torkade röda linser, sköljda
6 dl vegetarisk buljong
2 dl kokosmjölk
Värm kokosolja i en kastrull. Tillsätt lök och spenat och stek några minuter. Blanda sedan i spiskummin, ingefära, chili och gurkmeja och stek för 15-30 sekunder. Blanda i linser och buljong. Låt småkoka i 20 minuter eller tills linserna är mjuka. Blanda i kokosmjölk, salt och peppar. Mixa soppan slät och smaka av och krydda mer vid behov.
Lentil Spinach Soup
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 small red onion, chopped
3 frozen spinach cubes
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground ginger
0.5 tsp chili
1/4 tsp turmeric
2 dl dried red lentils, rinsed
6 dl vegetarian broth
2 dl coconut milk
black pepper
Heat coconut oil in a saucepan. Add the onion and spinach and cook for a few minutes. Then mix in cumin, ginger, chili and turmeric and fry for 15-30 seconds. Mix in lentils and broth. Leave to cook for 20 minutes or until the lentils are soft. Mix in coconut milk, salt and pepper. Mix the soup with a hand blender and season to taste.
Heat coconut oil in a saucepan. Add the onion and spinach and cook for a few minutes. Then mix in cumin, ginger, chili and turmeric and fry for 15-30 seconds. Mix in lentils and broth. Leave to cook for 20 minutes or until the lentils are soft. Mix in coconut milk, salt and pepper. Mix the soup with a hand blender and season to taste.