I have been thinking about bagels for a long time and how yummy they would taste, so I had to bake them. Bagels are so good and I like to toast mine and then add delicious toppings. Have you baked bagels and what is your favorite topping?
2,5 dl vatten
1 påse torrjäst (7g)
1 tsk salt
2 tsk kokossocker
2 msk olja
ca 3,5 dl vetemjöl
2 dl rågmjöl
2 l vatten
2 msk sirap
2 msk salt
Värm vattnet till 42 C och blanda i torrjäst, salt, socker och olja. Blanda sedan i mjöl och knåda degen i 5 minuter tills den är slät och släpper bunkens kanter. Låt degen jäsa i 30 minuter. Dela degen i nio bitar och forma dem till runda bollar. Låt dem jäsa ytterligare 10 minuter. Koka upp vatten, sirap och salt i en kastrull. Gör hål med tummarna i mitten av bröden och lägg dem (2-3 st i gången) i det kokande vattnet, 30 sekunder på var sida. Lyft bröden ur vattnet med en hålslev och doppa dem i havregrynsblandningen. Ställ dem sedan på en plåt. Grädda bagels i 225 C i ca 12-15 minuter.
2.5 dl water
1 sachet dry yeast (7g)
1 tsp salt
2 tsp coconut sugar
2 tbsp oil
approx. 3.5 dl wheat flour
2 dl rye flour
cooking water
2 l water
2 tbsp syrup
2 tbsp salt
pumpkin seeds
sesame seeds
Heat the water to 42 ° C and mix in dry yeast, salt, sugar and oil. Then mix in flour and knead the dough for 5 minutes until it is smooth. Allow the dough to rise for 30 minutes. Divide the dough into nine pieces and shape them into round balls. Allow them to rise another 10 minutes. Boil water, syrup and salt in a saucepan. Make a hole in the bread with your thumbs and place them (2-3 pcs at a time) in the boiling water, boil 30 seconds on each side. Lift the bread from the water with a skimmer and dip in the oatmeal mixture. Then put them on a baking sheet. Bake the bagels at 225 ° C for about 12-15 minutes.

Heat the water to 42 ° C and mix in dry yeast, salt, sugar and oil. Then mix in flour and knead the dough for 5 minutes until it is smooth. Allow the dough to rise for 30 minutes. Divide the dough into nine pieces and shape them into round balls. Allow them to rise another 10 minutes. Boil water, syrup and salt in a saucepan. Make a hole in the bread with your thumbs and place them (2-3 pcs at a time) in the boiling water, boil 30 seconds on each side. Lift the bread from the water with a skimmer and dip in the oatmeal mixture. Then put them on a baking sheet. Bake the bagels at 225 ° C for about 12-15 minutes.

Så fina bagels du har bakat:)