I like licorice and it's great to have in pastries. I have found a delicious licorice chocolate at Lidl and I have used that one in these cheesecakes. Otherwise, my favorite is from Fazer, Lontoo Rae. This cheesecake does not need to be baked, but it needs to set a few hours in the freezer. Yummy and creamy!
Lakrits Cheesecake
180 g kexsmulor
50 g smält smör
200 g lakritschoklad
2 dl grädde
350 g färskost
Blanda kexsmulor med det smälta smöret. Tryck kexen i botten på 6 små silikonformar eller i en större form. Smält chokladen. Vispa grädden fluffigt. Blanda färskost med smält choklad och blanda sedan i grädden. Fördela fyllningen på kexbotten och ställ i frysen i några timmar eller tills fyllningen stelnat. Ta bort från frysen ca 30 minuter innan servering.
Licorice cheesecake
180 g cookie crumbs
50g melted butter
200 g licorice chocolate
2 dl cream
350 g cream cheese
Mix cookie crumbs with the melted butter. Press the cookie crumbs in the bottom of 6 small silicone molds or in a larger baking tin. Melt the chocolate. Whip the cream until fluffy. Mix cream cheese with melted chocolate, then mix in the cream. Divide the filling on the cookie crusts and place in the freezer for a couple of hours or until set. Remove from the freezer 30 minutes before serving.
Mix cookie crumbs with the melted butter. Press the cookie crumbs in the bottom of 6 small silicone molds or in a larger baking tin. Melt the chocolate. Whip the cream until fluffy. Mix cream cheese with melted chocolate, then mix in the cream. Divide the filling on the cookie crusts and place in the freezer for a couple of hours or until set. Remove from the freezer 30 minutes before serving.