I have a lot of sauce recipes on my blog, but there is always room for more. It's easy to vary sauces, you can use different vegetables and seasonings from time to time. So today you get a version with eg soy chunks.
1 lök, hackad
1 vitlöksklyfta, hackad
2 strimlade morötter
1 röd paprika, tärnad
200 g sojabitar
6 dl tomatsås
1 dl sojagrädde
Stek lök och vitlök i en stor stekpanna med kokosolja. Tillsätt morot, paprika och sojabitar och stek 5 minuter. Blanda i tomatsås och grädde och låt sjuda 10-15 minuter eller tills morötterna är mjuka. Smaka av med salt, peppar, senap och persilja. Servera med t.ex ris.
Soy Vegetable Sauce
1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 shredded carrots
1 red pepper, diced
200 g soy chunks
6 dl tomato sauce
1 dl soy cream
black pepper
Fry onion and garlic in a large frying pan with coconut oil. Add the carrot, pepper and soy chunks and fry for 5 minutes. Stir in tomato sauce and cream and let simmer for 10-15 minutes or until the carrots are soft. Season with salt, pepper, mustard and parsley. Serve with rice.
Fry onion and garlic in a large frying pan with coconut oil. Add the carrot, pepper and soy chunks and fry for 5 minutes. Stir in tomato sauce and cream and let simmer for 10-15 minutes or until the carrots are soft. Season with salt, pepper, mustard and parsley. Serve with rice.
Gott ska jag tipsa min bror om kram
ReplyDeleteTack, så snällt av dig! Kram.