A rich and compact cake with delicious taste of chocolate. It is important to not over bake the cake because it may become dry. The cake stays good for several days and I kept mine in the refrigerator. I wish you a great day and beginning of the weekend!
125 g smör, mjukt
1 dl kokossocker
0,5 dl steviasocker, Via Health
3 ägg
1 1/4 dl mjöl
3/4 dl kakaopulver
en nypa salt
0.5 dl hett kaffe
25 g mörk choklad, Fazer
0,5 dl grädde
50 g mörk choklad, Fazer
Blanda chokladen i det heta kaffet och ställ åt sidan. Vispa smör och socker fluffigt. Tillsätt äggen ett i taget under omrörning. Blanda i mjöl, kakaopulver, salt och kaffe-chokladblandningen till en slät smet. Häll smeten i en bakplåtspappersklädd brödform och grädda i 160 C grader i ca 40 minuter. Låt svalna.
Värm grädden i en kastrull. Ta bort från värmen och blanda i hackad choklad. Låt svalna. Bred över kakan.
Chocolate Pound Cake
125 g butter, softened
1 dl coconut sugar
0.5 dl stevia sugar, Via Health
3 eggs
1 1/4 dl flour
3/4 dl cocoa powder
a pinch of salt
0.5 dl hot coffee
25 g dark chocolate, Fazer
chocolate ganache
0.5 dl cream
50 g dark chocolate, Fazer
Mix the chocolate into the hot coffee and set aside. Beat butter and sugar until fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time while stirring. Mix in the flour, cocoa powder, salt and coffee-chocolate mixture until smooth. Pour the batter into a bread pan lined with baking paper and bake at 160 degrees C for about 40 minutes. Let cool.
Heat the cream in a saucepan. Remove from heat and mix in the chopped chocolate. Let cool. Spread over cake.
Heat the cream in a saucepan. Remove from heat and mix in the chopped chocolate. Let cool. Spread over cake.