Happy New Year! Year 2016 has gone very quickly, which is both scary and funny. We have already lived more than a year in Amsterdam and we really enjoy living here. I appreciate all the seasons, and this time of year the fresh, crisp air so nice. In Amsterdam, we have no real winter, we have only had a few days when the temperature was below zero. I hope your past year has been good, and hereby I wish you a happy new year.
80 g smör, mjukt
3/4 dl kokossocker
1 stort ägg
1 dl vetemjöl
1 dl mandelmjöl
1 msk kakaopulver
1 tsk bakpulver
30 g mörk choklad, smält
3/4 dl grädde
2 msk aprikossylt
Värm ugnen till 175 C grader. Smörj och mjöla en liten kakform. Vispa smör och socker. Tillsätt ägget och vispa. Blanda i mjöl, mandelmjöl, kakaopulver och bakpulver. Tillsätt smält choklad, grädde och till sist blanda i aprikossylt. Häll smeten i formen och grädda i mitten av ugnen i ca 30 minuter. Låt kakan svalna. Dekorera ev. med smält choklad.
Sacher Cake
80 g butter, soft
3/4 dl coconut sugar
1 large egg
1 dl wheat flour
1 dl almond flour
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
30 g dark chocolate, melted
3/4 dl heavy cream
2 tbsp apricot jam
Preheat the oven to 175 C degrees. Grease and flour a small cake tin. Whisk butter and sugar. Add the egg and whisk a little more. Mix in the flour, almond flour, cocoa powder and baking powder. Add the melted chocolate, cream and finally mix in apricot jam. Pour batter into the cake tin and bake in middle of the oven for about 30 minutes. Let the cake cool. Decorate optionally with melted chocolate.