I have been craving rice pudding for a while, so now it was time to make it. Rice pudding is often associated with Christmas, but I think you can eat it at any time of the year. But often you only make it at Christmas. I remember that I had seen a recipe on Sara's blog about rice pudding that you only boil up and then let sit for a few hours. It's energy saving and one must not stir in the pudding at all times. Very delicious and easy.
4-6 portioner
2,5 dl grötris
5 dl vatten
1 nypa salt
1 msk smör / margarin
8-10 dl mandelmjölk eller annan mjölk
Lägg grötris, vatten och salt i en stor kastrull och koka i 10 min. Tillsätt smör och 8 dl mjölk och låt koka upp. Ta kastrullen bort från värmen och ställ åt sidan och låt svälla i 6-8 timmar, t.ex. över natten. Efter 6-8 h rör om i gröten och värm gröten innan servering. Tillsätt mera mjölk vid behov.
Rice pudding
4-6 portions
2.5 dl porridge rice
5 dl water
1 pinch of salt
1 tbsp butter / margarine
8-10 dl almond milk or milk of choice
Add porridge rice, water and salt in a large saucepan and cook for 10 minutes. Add the butter and 8 dl milk and bring to boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat and set aside and leave to swell for 6-8 hours, for example, overnight. After 6-8 h stir the porridge and heat the porridge before serving. Add more milk if needed.
Add porridge rice, water and salt in a large saucepan and cook for 10 minutes. Add the butter and 8 dl milk and bring to boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat and set aside and leave to swell for 6-8 hours, for example, overnight. After 6-8 h stir the porridge and heat the porridge before serving. Add more milk if needed.
Risgröt är någonting jag äter väldigt sällan,och brukar koka med kokosmjölk. Det är nog gott:)