Uncooked oatmeal is easy to prepare and you have it ready in the morning for breakfast when preparing it the night before. There are a loads of recipes for overnight oats, but here you get a high-protein version with the taste of peanut butter.
Peanut Butter Protein Overnight Oats
1 dl old-fashioned oats
1 3/4 dl unsweetened almond milk
2 tbsp soy yogurt
1 tbsp chia seed
1 tbsp vanilla protein powder
0.5 tbsp smooth peanut butter
0.5 tbsp peanut butter powder
sweetener of choice
Stir together all the ingredients in a bowl. Refrigerate overnight. Top with eg peanut butter and berries.
Jordnötssmör Protein Overnight Gröt
1 dl havregryn
1 3/4 dl osötad mandelmjölk
2 msk soja yoghurt
1 msk chiafrön
1 msk vaniljproteinpulver
0,5 msk slät jordnötssmör
0,5 msk jordnötssmörpulver
Smidigt med sånt man kan göra klart kvällen innan.