Kjersti had made gooseberry cream with apple on her blog, and then it hit me that I have never eaten at the gooseberry cream. Rhubarb cream with strawberries is what I have grown up with :) Yummy too. Now, I had very little gooseberries, so I chose to make a compote instead. Delicious to have on yogurt or on biscuits. But if you want to make a really good gooseberry cream or other treats visit Kjersti and be tempted.
2 dl krusbär, jag hade både röda och gröna
en skvätt vatten
kokossocker efter smak
Lägg krusbär, vatten och socker i en kastrull och låt sjuda tills krusbären är mjuka och vattnet absorberats. Smaksätt med kanel.
Gooseberry Compote
2 dl gooseberries, I used both red and green ones
a splash of water
coconut sugar to taste