You get very moist muffins when adding sweet potato puree in the batter. When I bake with sweet potatoes, I like to mix in cinnamon and this time I used ground cardamom as well, which was good. These muffins are gluten-free and vegan.
Muffins med sötpotatis
4 små muffins
3/4 dl sötpotatispure
2 msk kokossocker
1,5 msk mandelmjöl
1,5 msk mandelmjöl
1,5 msk kokosolja
1,5 msk mandelmjölk
1 tsk äppelcidervinäger
0,5 tsk bakpulver
3/4 tsk fiberhusk
1 tsk kanel
0.5 tsk kardemumma
1/4 tsk vaniljpulver
Blanda ihop alla ingredienser i en skål. Fördela smeten i silikonmuffinsformar och grädda dem i 175 C i ca 20 minuter. Låt kallna.
Muffins with Sweet Potatoes
4 small muffins
3/4 dl sweet potato puree
2 tbsp coconut sugar
1.5 tbsp almond flour
1.5 tbsp almond flour
1.5 tbsp of coconut oil
1.5 tbsp almond milk
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
0.5 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp fiberhusk
1 tsp cinnamon
0.5 tsp cardamom
1/4 tsp vanilla powder
Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Divide the batter into silicone muffin cups and bake in 175 C oven for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool.
Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Divide the batter into silicone muffin cups and bake in 175 C oven for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool.