I was making croissants, but when I realised I had forgotten the sugar from the dough it already was made and rested in the refrigerator, ups. But I did actually make croissants of a part of the dough and they still tasted ok. They go better as a salty snack and you can fill them with eg cheese and tomato. Of the remaining dough I made then these bread sticks, brushed them with egg wash and topped with parmesan.

2,5-3.5 dl flour
1.5 tbsp butter, cold
0.5 tbsp dry yeast
1 tsp salt
3/4 dl heavy cream
3/4 dl cold water
egg for brushing
parmesan for topping
Put all the ingredients in a bowl of a kitchen machine (I have a KitchenAid). Use a dough hook and let the machine knead the dough for 5 minutes. When the dough is smooth wrap it in plastic wrap and put in the fridge overnight. Roll the dough on a floured surface and cut into strips. Twist the dough and put on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush them with egg and top with parmesan. Bake in 200 C for about 15 minutes.
2,5-3,5 dl mjöl
1,5 msk smör, kallt
0,5 msk torrjäst
1 tsk salt
3/4 dl vispgrädde
3/4 dl kallt vatten
ägg till pensling
parmesan att toppa med
Lägg alla ingredienser i en köksmaskinskål (jag har en KitchenAid). Använd en degkrok och låt maskinen knåda degen i 5 minuter. När degen är smidig packa in den i plastfolie och lägg i kylen över natten. Kavla degen på mjölat bakbord och skär i strimlor. Vrid degen och lägg på en plåt klädd med bakplåtspapper. Pensla dem med ägg och topp amed parmesan. Baka i 200 C i ca 15 minuter.