This is a pasta casserole I made of leftovers. I had cooked pasta, roasted vegetables and tomato sauce over from the week. The dish will be ready in no time, almost :) Sometimes the easiest is the best.
Tomato Vegetable Pasta Bake
pasta, cooked
tomato sauce, bought or home-made
oven roasted vegetables (bell pepper, zucchini, aubergine, red onion)
grated cheese
Put the pasta, tomato sauce and vegetables in an oven-proof dish and stir. Top with grated cheese. Bake in 200 C degrees for about 20-30 minutes.
pasta, kokt
tomatsås, köpt eller hemgjord
ugnsrostade grönsaker (paprika, zucchini, aubergine, rödlök)
riven ost
Lägg pasta, tomatsås och grönsaker i en ugnssäker form och rör om. Toppa med riven ost. Grädda i 200 grader C i ca 20-30 minuter.
Gahhh vad gott kram från din bloggvän som toknjuter på Kanarieöarna /Sofia
ReplyDeleteTack Sofia! Åh, ha det så skönt. Kram