Gott, gott, gott :) Alltså, ibland blir maten extra god. Den här såsen vill jag helst äta varje dag. Smaken, konsistensen och texturen var fullpott. Testa gärna!

Good, good, good :) Sometimes the food is extra good. I would gladly eat this sauce every day. The taste, consistency and texture were perfect. Feel free to try it!


250 g sojafärs

1 röd lök, hackad

1 vitlöksklyfta, hackad

1 burk hackade tomater, Cirio

1 dl färskost, vitlök-örter





italienska örter

Stek lök och vitlök i olja i en stekpanna. Tillsätt sojafärs och stek en stund. Blanda i resterande ingredienser. Smaka av. Servera med potatismos. 

Minced Meat-Tomato Sauce

250 g soy mince

1 red onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, chopped

1 can chopped tomatoes, Cirio

1 dl cream cheese, garlic-herbs




black pepper

Italian herbs

Fry onion and garlic in oil in a frying pan. Add soy mince and fry for a while. Mix in the remaining ingredients. Taste. Serve with mashed potatoes.