Chocolate cake with mint flavor is today's recipe. I topped my cake with after eight chocolate. If you want a more minty flavor, you can mix chopped mint chocolate into the batter. Very delicious and good with your afternoon coffee.
After Eight Chokladkaka
70 g mjukt smör
1 dl strösocker
1 stort ägg
1,5 dl vetemjöl
2 msk kakaopulver
3/4 tsk bakpulver
0,5 dl mjölk
After Eight choklad
Värm ugnen till 175 C. Smörj och mjöla en liten brödform. Rör ihop smöret och sockret. Blanda i ägget och sedan mjöl, kakaopulver, bakpulver och mjölk tills allt är blandat. Häll smeten i brödformen och grädda i 40 minuter. Låt kakan svalna i 5 minuter, ta sedan bort från formen och lägg After Eight choklad på kakan.
After Eight Chocolate Cake
70 g soft butter
1 dl caster sugar
1 large egg
1.5 dl wheat flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
3/4 tsp baking powder
0.5 dl milk
after eight chocolates
Heat the oven to 175 C. Grease and flour a small loaf tin. Stir together the butter and sugar. Beat in the egg and then flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and milk until smooth. Pour the batter into the tin and bake for 40 minutes. Let the cake cool for 5 minutes, then remove from the tin and put after eight chocolates on top of the cake.